Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Love/Hate Relationship With Pre-K

Ainsley started "Pre-K" last week and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I absolutely LOVE the fact that "school" is back in our lives (we are not allowed to call it "preschool" around here - "That's for babies"). Ainsley had her fill of the trio this summer and it was getting a little tense at Chez Laird. By the third week of August she was ready for more structure, kids her age and less, well, less of the madness and noise and dust-devils that roller coaster through our home all day long.

I absolutely do NOT love the fact that my baby is now only one year away from kindergarten. I am most definitely not ready to think about it and "Pre-K" is making me. I still want her to be three-years-old and stay that way forever. Maybe not forever, but I would like to have had her linger there awhile longer.

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